The Buzz About

Keep Off the Grass

Recent Buzz:

February 2008: Come see us Friday, February 22, at the Dew Drop Inn in Durant, Iowa! See our shows page and download our poster for details. This is another birthday night gig, and those have proven to be the most fun! Be a part of it! Join the band and wassail in Durant this Friday!

Recent Buzz:

January 2008: Blueport Junction rocked on January 19th with the most upbeat, fun crowd the band has played for since the return of Keep Off the Grass. A combination of birthdays, including one of the band members' own, helped bring the festivities to a heady froth, and the dancing started early in the first set and didnt stop until the last song of the evening. Timm kept throwing his acoustic guitar into his monitor for interesting guitar feedback, ala one of his guitar idols, Timmy Hendrix. "A lot of people dont know that Jimmy Hendrix had a white younger brother named Timmy. He was a guitar genius. He played acoustic versions of Jimmy's electric guitar songs. He just didnt get as famous, because... well... it's hard to play that kind of stuff on an acoustic guitar, for one thing... and he lost his front tooth trying to solo with his teeth on those heavy gauge strings...."

Recent Buzz:

December 2007: New Year's Eve at Pat McGuire's in Davenport was packed despite the weather, and an extremely fun crowd. The band saluted the New Year with an a capella rendition of "Auld Lange Syne" at midnight, along with their usual favorites. Once the Times Square Ball had been delivered, and the New Year's Baby had been dropped, it was time to rock in 2008, and say "Goodbye, and good riddance to 2007... a year that was really getting Auld."

Recent Buzz:

November 2007: Keep Off the Grass recently loaded out from playing Pat McGuire's in Davenport on the night before Thanksgiving. This has proven to be a very fun night out, and a great evening for the band to come out and meet their fans. The small stage was a little bit cramped, but more roomy than the house, which was standing room only, jam packed with revelers out having fun before spending a long holiday with family the next day.

The event marked Keep Off the Grass' debut appearance in Davenport in a decade. A year ago, the band appeared at Blueport Junction on this same eveniung under the nom de plure "Pat Foley and the Sellouts."

The return of Keep Off the Grass brings the same favorite songs that fans remember from years before, plus some new ones. The band loves to mine the archives of popular music artists for golden nuggets of lesser known songs that can add variety and special moments to their set.

A Wild Night out, Standing Room Only audience that was dancing and singing along, a great band, and a good time. Let's do this again!

Recent Buzz:

November 2007: Timm from Keep Off the Grass recently finished buying a concert lighting set for the band. 16 Par cans, trees, contoller, and a digital follow spot, for venues where lights would be appropriate. As if it werent hot enough on stage already....

Timm was hospitalized after the band gig this week, due to a freakish guitar chording accident. "The chord was a F Major 7th, 13 over 9. They said no one could finger it. But I tried... and in front of a huge crowd, I broke both of my hands trying to play it. When I got home after the gig, with both hands in casts, I found a note from my wife that said 'Chili night is cancelled, and I'm leaving you to go live with my mother until you can see to your own hygiene...'

Naturally, Timm is despondent and hungry.

Recent Buzz:

Fall 2008: Matt Cannon of Keep Off the Grass, and his lovely wife Tiffany, welcome to the practice a new patient, and to the family a new member: sweet little baby Daisy.

Matt continues his practice as a doctor of pediatry, hoping to God for the sake of his practice that he never develops claustrophobia....

Recent Buzz:

Ongoing saga: Steve of Keep Off the Grass continues to testify in open court about his experiences as an abused boy scout, relating his 'band camp' outings. Perhaps 'outings' isnt the best choice of wording...... Apparently, between the years of 1978 - 1994, when Steve was a level 3 eagle scout, Steve (allegedly) was continually abused by scout counselor after scout counselor in his all male scouting troup. To this day, his suit alleges, he cannot listen to the Village People, or watch construction work, without tapping his toes. His lawsuit also alleges that this is the reason that in his ALL MALE BAND, Keep Off the Grass, Steve is uncomfotable singing and playing from anywhere on stage except in the back, behind all of the other guys. Stay tuned for more developments.....


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