Timm Dalman
Meet the man behind
New Anthem
Artists and Productions

Meet Timm Dalman

Director of New Anthem

And welcome to our site!

"Who is this guy, and what's that thing on his shirt?"

"What's this New Anthem....?"

It isn't unpatriotic..."
It's about presenting your life as a new song to the Lord.

New Anthem is a Tax Exempt 501c3 Non Profit Christian Organization

New Anthem has produced and promoted almost 700 events in the Midwest since being founded in 1993. We specialize in Christian concerts.

New Anthem has provided funding, support, bookings and management services to over
250 local and regional Christian artists.


Timmothy Dalman

Timm awarded plaque by Gospel Sounds Promotions "Hi, I'm Timm Dalman

I didnt come into Christian music by any kind of direct route.

It's just the job God gave me after I'd pretty much lost everything, several years ago. I wasn't happy with my old life, and He gave me a new one, with a job serving the community.

Today New Anthem has been in operation for 18 years, through which I've produced or booked over 690 Christian concerts, and invested over $230,000.00 in Christian music, artist support and charitable work.

Where did it all start? With my first guitar....
Katie in South Holland, IL a beautiful guitar
This is my first guitar, named "Katie."
It was a Kaye Acoustic Model T--- something...
A member of a group I was in fell on it
and broke it in half on a crowded stage...

She died an atonal death.....

looking for the post man This is me when I played in
Magnum Rock Band.

We played classic rock: Queen, Journey, Styx, Foreigner, ZZ Top, Heart, Boston, REO, you name it!

I split lead guitar solos with "Stoolie"

and became a member of the
Incredible Flying Heinzen Family
(sound and lighting company.)

Retro anyone?

Styx are from my home town of South Holland, Illinois.

And I toured for five years coast to coast with Choral Readers, a music drama and speech performing arts group.

I also toured as a part of Poppens Puppins, a professional puppet troup.

As you see in this photo, I worked part time as a Sasquatch, scaring tourists and collecting stray short people...

Lila and Janelle from Choral Readers

Duck Creek Mall concerts
I had seven guitars
· I recorded jingles, PSAs and commercials for KVDB radio and Television Channels 14 and 9 in Sioux City, Iowa.

· I toured coast to coast 5 years with Christian college-sponsored performance groups: musician, arranger, dramatic performer, writer

· I appeared in a good number of college theater shows, appearing in both leading and supporting roles

· I played classical and acoustic guitar concerts in area shopping malls

I started Heinzen Studio East, a project recording studio, in the Quad Cities where we recorded the first Pat Dermody Band album.

PDB was comedy.

Sort of....

We did four albums to rave reviews, and got played on the radio.... FM..... but only after midnight....

at home in Little Islam Recording

PDB Theme: American Tour Four albums and 'tours' to both coasts failed to get us the fame and fortune we expected for our combined genius.

Yes, we are still stunned by this...

Still, over a thousand PDB albums are out there somewhere.... keeping tables leveled... or windows propped open across America....

We also made a full length motion picture...
it never even made it to cable....

The Pat Dermody Band was fun!

I was the whole band, recording all the tracks in my little studio, and we could write whatever we felt like.

We did a few shows, but mainly we were a studio band.

More of an inside joke....

A very large inside joke....

note the cleverly taped kazoo on Timm's mic

In Little Islam This was my little recording studio in Hampton, Illinois.

Here I made the last two Pat Dermody Band albums, as well as started doing some seroius work again...

This is me recording my solo album, "Get Up!"

It was Christian Rock. I wrote and recorded all of the songs, and played all of the instruments on the tracks.

My singer for the project was
Steve Reando. He sang professionally in the bar circuit.

For me the songs were personal revelations of a faith that was struggling, but real. For Steve, it was a chance to do something interesting while he was between bands.

My favorite song on the album is "White Valley," a kind of mysterious, Celtic sounding song about the garden of Eden. Also, my best classical guitar composition, "Chiaroscuro," is on that album.

(Here you see the reason Timm is so tight with a dollar....

ASDA Government-Inspected Grade "A" Prime 100% Genetically Pure No Artificial Ingredients No Preservatives Absolutely Totally Dutch....

Hands tightly grippped on his wallet, in the finest of Dutch traditions, Timm explores his heritage.......)

Holland Michigan

guitar show In addition to playing classical and acoustic for malls, schools, weddings and banquets...

I also played solo rock guitar shows for area municipal festivals, hog roasts, dances, and private parties.

I played the Port Byron River Tug Fest for two years as a solo, for thousands of people.

Then something happened that turned my life around again

I really didn't see this coming....

easier to turn a leaf

like a fish in water

I started writing Gospel music by special request
and I really took to it.

It reminded me of my days touring with Choral Readers.

It made me want to do work with some value again.

It got me going back to church again.

At Wildwood Church I rediscovered my Christianity

through the patient encouragement of Pastor John White.

He encouraged me to do more with what I had

and to do work with a purpose.

I'm not sure he knew just how much fun we'd been having, though....

at Jed's house

same place, new gig Same place, new gig.

I gave it a try and really took to it.

I started working with Christian artists, helping them get bookings and develop their shows.

And I started producing events for cities and including Christian music in them.

I started New Anthem officially in 1993 to promote Christian music in the Quad Cities region and beyond.

And now I write and play Christian music

help others be more effective with their Christian talents

help event sponsors with their events

help to fund and produce outreaches and charity events

assemble choirs and special groups

produce and promote artists and events

Mercer County Fairgrounds

look out Neal Peart! Now I march to the beat of a different drummer sort of...

or drum to the beat of a different marcher.....

or whatever you'd say....

Anyway, now I play drums in church Sundays....

only I dress a little different.....

But I still know how to have fun.......

making our Christmas album

Gospel Sounds Promotions

And I get to help people all at the same time.

It's a good gig!

I started producing Christian shows and booking Christian artists in 1993 through New Anthem.

We wanted to be one of President Bush's 'thousand points of light" in our part of the world.

Our role and ministry grew each year since then.

In 1997, I produced or supported 35 Christian and charity events in our region, as well as played in 5 different groups.

In 1998, we did four arena events, four major festivals, and over 45 Christian events. Half of our events were benefit concerts funded by New Anthem in Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

In 1999 I produced or supported 73 Christian and charity events, even though I took six months off.

And it just kept growing, year after year.

By the start of 2003, I had booked or produced almost 350 Christian concerts and events across the region that New Anthem serves.

By January of 2004, we had brought or helped to bring 448 Christian events to our region.

By October of 2010 our Steven Curtis Chapman concert at the Adler Theatre will have been our 690th event!

DOXA at the Mark arena

2000 Gospel Festival

We do church concerts.

We do park concerts and Christian and municipal festivals.

We do benefit concerts for private and public charities.

We do shows in arenas and auditoriums, theaters, in malls, in parking lots, bandshells, anywhere Christian music and ministry can go.

We work with Christian rock groups, black gospel, alternative, folk, Latin, gospel, country western, rap, dance, blues, praise and worship, modern rock, pop, contemporary Christian music, jazz, inspirational, even karaoke.

Any group that has the desire to serve and communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ we will work with and provide support for.

And any sponsoring person or organization that wants to present a concert with Christian music or message, we will enable."

We hope you enjoyed meeting Timm Dalman and getting to know the mission and ministry of New Anthem.

Click on the New Anthem logo to go back to see the rest of our staff.

It was nice hanging out with you!

Thanks for visiting!

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